Sunday, January 17, 2010

Mr.Winkle Wakes

The video "Mr.Winkle Wakes" gives good insight on all of the advances in modern technology. It talked about how these new devices are used in the work place (i.e. computers, printers, and fax machines) and health facilities (i.e resperators, EKGs, and X-rays). The main characters of this new world, because he has just awaken from a 100-year sleep, and is not used to all of these advances. But, Mr.Winkle found one place that has not advanced with the times technologically: the local school. Students were still using pencils and paper to painstakingly do assignments instead of computers that will make the work much easier.

This video shed light on a very important issue. How is that we have advance technology in these other places but not in educational institutions? And since we don't have them in schools, how can people learn to use these devices properly? Mr. Winkle being happy to see that school have not changed represents conformity for those who don't know anything about technology, which is a bad thing. Conformity brings about ignorance and we can't ignorance and we can't broaden our horizons this way.


  1. Chris,

    How can we get teachers to get out of "conforming" when it comes to learning about technology?

    Also, you have not commented on the other three assignments. Watch them and comment on them ASAP. Thanks.

  2. Teachers just have to be willing to get out the same patterns. I understand after teaching the same way for year it could be difficult to change in such a technology age but the change is necessary. If a instructor is not knowledgeable about computer they should be order to take a class.
    I just notice today that there was more than one assignment due. i just finish the other ones
